Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Journal Nature: Time Running Out to Deal With Global Warming

The world must burn less than one-quarter of its remaining fossil fuel reserves if it is to avoid dangerous climate change, according to new research.

Two studies published today in the journal Nature warn that the world must limit its total carbon dioxide emissions to about 1 trillion tons by 2050 to have the best chance at holding temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius.

That's the target identified by some scientists and many governments that believe warming beyond that point could greatly increase the chance of catastrophic -- and in some cases, irreversible -- changes in the world's climate.

The bottom line is simple, said Myles Allen of Oxford University, the lead author of one of the new studies. "Every ton [of carbon dioxide] you release now is a ton you won't be able to release in 50 years' time," he said. "The longer we postpone emissions reductions, the harder we make the task when the time comes around."

To stay under that 1 trillion ton limit, governments would have to sharply reduce their greenhouse gas emissions from current levels. Malte Meinshausen, lead author of one study, said the world's total CO2 emissions could reach 1 trillion tons in just 20 years.

If no climate policies are implemented (red), global warming will cross 2 degrees Celsius by the middle of the century. Strong action to mitigate emissions (blue) would limit the risk of exceeding 2 degrees to 25 percent. Graph courtesy of M. Meinshausen.

"We've already emitted a third of that in the past nine years, from 2000 to 2009," explained Meinshausen, a professor at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.

And Meinshausen's study suggests the true "carbon dioxide budget" could be even lower if the warming effects of other greenhouse gases, such as methane, are taken into account.

But even achieving the limit recommended by the new studies isn't a guarantee that the world will avoid serious climate change, experts said.

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carlorc said...

04 - 30 – 10

Carlo R. Calalay 2101 S. Harvey Ave. #121

OKC., OK. 73109

(405) 636 – 5281

Email –


To Whom It May Concern:

This technology will be one of the most or even the most beneficial simple solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce global warming, and improve quality of life. Please, I need an investor(s), sponsor(s), or donator(s).

I invented “The Apex Engine”, which will be a major breakthrough in efficiency, and operates like a regular engine but is more advanced. Please request my paper to read and study my paper yourself.

So far I have been unable to find a government grant program I qualify for as an individual. The Apex Lobed Crank Engine can be engineered to be about 2 ½x’s as efficient as the most efficient regular or conventional crank piston and cylinder engines or vehicles including hybrids. According to main stream physicists vehicle producers have gotten all they can out of a regular crank at 27% efficient and may not be able to meet the goals proposed in the current bills of new higher environmental standards and incentives recently signed by the President and California goals. The Apex Engine would allow a company or companies to easily exceed the goals. It will be considered a green technology and be eligible for government incentives for both producer and consumer.

A Physics Professor helped me use the proper equations to calculate efficiency, and the calculations show The Apex Engine will be about 85% efficient. The Apex Engine is based upon and builds upon the same reliable principles of mechanical operations used in the time proven standard or conventional engines and racing engines as a foundation

I need a high quality website to find a major investor(s) and sponsor(s) to build the first proto-types with the goal being a production factory. Hopefully you will be the, or one of the major investor(s) or sponsor(s), however if not, as a short term goal I need to have an IT person setup and maintain the website to advertise for a major investor(s) and sponsor(s), with good graphics (graphics alone can be $5k-$8k) for about $20k. The website also needs to be advertised or it will not be known or visited.


Carlo Rene Calalay

carlo said...

07 - 24 - 10 Carlo R. Calalay 2101 S. Harvey Ave. #121 OKC., OK. 73109 (405) 636 – 5281 Email me- NEW APEX LOBED JOURNAL CRANK ENGINE – U.S. and Foreign Patent Pending – REFER TO THE INVENTION – , which is the web siite. I used CNN ireport before building the website, which is a detailed 5 page report with all the refined Drawings, Operation and Efficiency Calculations. Please feel free to call and talk person to person.
Thank you very much. Sincerely, Carlo R. Calalay